Saturday 5 December 2020


 elements of design

The elements of design are,.











        Line should be used purposefully in the overall design. Some ways the lines can be used in the design is to organize, connect and separate.

                    →create movement

                     →provide texture

                       →convey a mood/emotion

                         →define shapes

                           →provide emphasis

                                                         →provide a framework.

    Line may be vertical, horizontal, diagonal or curved. The functions of the lines are,



                 •Psychological effect

               •Optical illusion.


             Dot is an element that has position, but no extension. Stout figure person should avoid using bold, big dots as it might create an illusion that they are too stout. Polka dots, is the term widely used in textile industry.


      Two dimensional shapes have width and height. It can also create the illusion of three dimensional objects. Some ways we might use shapes in designs are to 
organize, connect, separate, symbolize an idea, create movement, provide texture or depth, convey a mood or emotion, provide and framework.

      There are 3 basic shapes,

                    *Geometric shapes

                    *Natural shapes

                    *Abstract shapes.


             Geometric shapes (basic square, circle, triangle, octagon, starburst) have specific meaning.


            Natural shapes can add interest and rein force themes like leaves, humans etc., Use a free form, non symmetrical shape to convey a feeling of spontaneity.


           Many artist felt a need to create a new kind of art, which could encompass the fundamental changes taking place in technology, science and philosophy. Some abstract shapes are almost universally recognized and easily read even when the text is in the unfamiliar language.


           Each piece has a physical mass or space. The physical space or size is the actual dimension of the piece. The most basic figure associated with linear relationships are square, circle and triangle. Maintaining balance between 2 spaces is very important.


         Color adds richness and beauty to any design. It plays an important part in influencing one’s emotion. Good color scheme should be followed.


           Basic color circle is red, yellow and blue; it is traditional in the field of art.


           Orange-mix red & yellow

           Green-mix yellow & blue

           Violet-mix red & blue.


          Yellow-orange, red-orange, red-purple, blue-purple, blue-green and yellow-green. These are the colors formed by mixing primary and secondary color.


         Complementary color scheme uses opposite hues on the color wheel. These colors are across from each other on the wheel and have great contrast, e.g., red & green, blue & orange.


        This color scheme uses three color, one color with the two colors on either side of its complement, e.g., red, blue green & yellow green.


         Triad color scheme combines 3 colors equidistant on the color wheel and has a great deal of contrast.


          Colors located to the left or right side of a particular are analogous to each other. They usually match extremely well, but they also create almost no contrast.


          Value is the lightness or darkness of the color.


      *Tint-adding white

      *Shade-adding black

      *Tone-adding grey shades











         Form is the two/three dimensional shapes in a garment. Concepts relating to the creation of the illusion of depth on a two-dimension surface should continued to be investigated. Two-dimension creations are transferred to three-dimension model.


                  Texture defines the nature of the surface. In fashion designing, texture refers to the nature of the surface of the fabric and trimmings used on garment. Texture is considered a design element, which plays a major role in every garment design.


             Movement is the design element that operates in the fourth dimension time. Movement may also be classified as DYNAMIC. Dynamic movement is characterized by movement of the eye that flows smoothly from one area of the composition to another, guided by line or form, and by gradations of color or form.


Monday 23 November 2020


                                                 application of                            design


                Design is that area of human experience, skill and knowledge which is concerned man’s ability to mould his environment to suit his material and spiritual needs. In the field of fashion, a design is used by people according to their requirements and this is how fashion takes over designing. Fashion is a recycling of designing.


what is creativity?

          A design doesn’t have to be new, different or impressive to be successful in the market place, as long as it is fulfilling a need, but design methods do lead to innovative products and services.




what is haute couture?

               HAUTE means high/sophistication and COUTURE means sewing. Haute couture is the process of creating unique, sophisticated custom made garments to suit an individual which undoubtedly makes it expensive.

            “HAUTE COUTURE HOUSE” is one that in the business of design, creating and selling custom made unique high fashion clothing.


what is pret-a-porter?



       In stark contrast to haute couture, prĂȘt-a-porter is for the mass. pret-a-porter is all about affordable, wearable, standard sizes and patterns, formal, simple and high volume.

        It is the ready to wear clothing made to standard sizes which fits most people.



what is avant-garde?

A term borrowed from French signifying the small part of the population of artists and thinkers that are ahead of the mainstream, bringing new forms and new ideas to the culture. The has dominated runways by the designer’s creativity and innovation.


  elements   of   design The elements of design are,.         *Lines          *Dots         *Shape          *Space         *Colors         *...